Time, again, for me to attempt to gather all my sporadic thoughts for the week and share with you the crazies that are in my brain everyday! You're welcome. You wanna be a giver, too? Join in with random thoughts at Mrs.4444's place.
***Fair warning, I am certain I will be driving people crazy with talk of BlogHer, if I haven't already. You have permission to glaze over during those parts, just come back when I'm done blabbing. BlogHer is a blogger's conference taking place in July in Chicago- that I am going to- it's a big deal.
My oldest kid is 14- the last trip I took without my kids and husband? NEVER! Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked to meet all of my blogger friends and big deal bloggers, and sure, maybe learn something, but let's be real- I'M GETTING A FREAKING VACATION!!! My husband has graciously agreed that I need it and that it would be good for me. I think he was fearing he may not wake up from his slumber if he did not- and that, my friends, was a legitimate, well-thought out phobia- he made the right decision.
I've been encouraged to find a sponsor. I'm not sure exactly what that means, something about the cost of the trip being less- so here goes. I think a sponsor would kind of be like my pimp. So in essence, I'm looking for a pimp. I would pretty much plaster any company's name across my boobs and sing its praises for a cheaper trip, who wouldn't? Certainly, if any proprietor is interested, contact me, because I would whore your business all over the place! FYI- I could sell the shit out of Xanax, condoms, tampons, laptops, sex toys, kitchen utensils, jewelry, wrinkle cream, shoes and chocolate- not to mention, I am also a good customer!
*** I have been that obnoxious person forcefully coughing and trying to clear my phlegmy throat INCESSANTLY for the last two months! What gives? Does this EVER go away?
***Discovery Health Channel has a show called Amazing Families. "Amazing" is subjective. Once I saw a family of 6 that decided to pack up, sell their house and live in a motor home while traveling all over the country, aimlessly. The tight quarters is one challenge, but they had to empty the poop out of their 'house' weekly- who chooses that life with 4 relatively young children??? They were not 'amazing', in my opinion, just odd. And stupid.
Last night, however, I caught an 'amazing' one... The Taylor family, had 3 kids, and then had conjoined twin girls- they shared a heart. If that wasn't enough of a struggle, when the twins were 19 mos. old, she had ANOTHER baby- OK- so maybe they were a little odd, too-glutton for punishment types, but they were a very likeable family and really dealt with their adversities well, can't say I could do the same!
*** My 20 year high school graduation date is next year. The 10 year , I thought, was kind of lame. I didn't go, but it was at a sport's complex, with beer and brats, not my idea of a class reunion! I was also 8 months pregnant so I would have been a bloated bitch on wheels around a bunch of drunk people swimming and playing beach volleyball!
I have gone to my husband's 20th and 25th class reunions (yeah, he's a bit older than me, you mathematicians) and they were awesome! Just what I think they 'should' be- formal sit down dinners, DJ or band, and lots of booze. The school I went to has closed down, so there is no official 'planning committee'. I have made the executive decision to take this on. I hope I don't regret it! I'm 75% sure that I might , but I am a planner and a control freak and I think we should have a decent class reunion, damn it!
*** I have received blog awards lately and I want to say thank you! Because I Said So, Jen at the Daily Mish Mash, Alanna Rose, Chocolate Covered Daydreams, and all the dirty men and Mariah at Hot Dads are ones that I know- If I missed one- just let me know- thank you all- it's nice to get the pats on the back. They all have different rules, but I will choose 5 things I'm addicted to (that's the easiest)...
1.) Blogging
2.) Mc Donald's Coffee
3.) cleaning
4.) BravoReality TV (I sent McMommy an e-mail recap of Real Housewives of New York the other night and just assumed she couldn't use it in her post. What do I come across today? The e-mail I sent her-my incoherent, incomplete sentences, rant about the ladies of Manhattan...if you watch the show, go read )
5.) Twitter
***Saturday is, my baby, Beebs' 4th birthday! She is super excited! We're having the family over for dinner and cake and ice cream- about 30 peeps, per usual! I don't want her to grow up- she's been the best kid! I love all of my kids... yada, yada, yada, but I feel like I've had the time and, probably the knowledge from my others, to truly enjoy every second with her! She just came to me after jamming to HollaBack Girl by Gwen Stefani and whispered, "did you hear me sing shit- it's in the song." I know it's wrong, but she cracks me up!
And, as is my blog birthday tradition, I will reveal her real name just this once...
Happy Birthday, Genevieve Reese!