Monday, February 23, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute

Today I tribute the people that put up with me in the blogosphere. I am a pain in the ass. Needy as can be. Everyone that reads my posts and comments just to tell me they're here or that they think I'm hot- you've made my week! If you follow me and keep coming back for more, bless your heart! I don't know how you do it sometimes! But if you do 'follow', there was a Blogger incident yesterday with 'follows', if you would like to check to see if you're still following all the people that you want to... read this- thanks Ciara for the use of your cyber brain, for the good instruction on how to check. Egos are hanging in the balance!

To bloggers that I read- I salute you for sharing your life and stories and keeping me endlessly entertained!

My Twitter friends that read my outlandish nonsensical blurbs with spelling errors galore- I salute you! How you deal with my technological ignorance is beyond me. How you allow me to butt in to your conversations without tweeting me to "mind my own damn business #painintheass!" Your patience is to be commended!

Those of you that e-mail me personally- I salute you. My e-mails and comments are substitution for chocolate these days so KEEP THEM COMING OR THINGS COULD GET UGLY!

Now everyone- go make arrangements to go to BlogHer so I can meet you all in person and I can give you your awards! Please don't expect real 'awards'- just lame symbolic shit- remember, I'm broke!

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Tiffany said...

OOh am I first? Well it fits since we are now lovers. I think your bitchiness and my cussing fit together hand in hand. That's why we get along.

Debz said...

I don't think I can find enough change in the couch cushions to make it to BlogHer T. So in lieu of being there you should just mail me my award - or reward. Either way. I like Almond Joys. Just sayin...

michelle said...

I follow, and I love you:o)

Jen said...

I will put up with your nonsense any day of the week - I can't wait till Blogher!

Anonymous said...

I am a glutten for punishment... I come back time and time again...

kel said...

I love it here! You rock!

Melissa said...

You're a rock star! Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Well...I am not going to be at what do I get?

Thanks for the link love and please continue to feel free to talk about boobs and sex. I'll put up with it for now. :)

Unknown said...

I woke up and saw I lost 7 followers and thought wow I better start saying the eff word and regain some I see it was blogger jackin with us...good thing I didnt say the eff word

You know I ♥ ya Tena!!!!
however if you are gonna sub i say do not do elementary age..TOO effin whiney! they call you teacher and they say she cutted me teacher ugh....go for the 9th graders and up

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

That is so cool you get to go to Blogher. If I did not already have 2 trips in the works I would totally love to go.

I love your blog and all your funny posts.

Deb said...

oh sweet! so it's not me? i thought i lost 10! i need to go investigate.

you rock, girlfriend.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

I love your blog!! Why it took my butt forever to get over here and start commenting is beyond me!! I also follow you on Twitter!

Dorsey said...

Damned economy!! If I could find a job I could get hired for then I'd have the $$ to be at Blogher in a heartbeat. I think I'd have to make you some cheesy redneck award for you to take home and display somewhere proudly in your home. Because that's just how us Southerners roll! hehe

Jenni said...

Are you going to BlogHer? I really really REALLY want to go...

PS...You're hot.

Julie D said...

OK this is the 2nd post in a row about BlogHer. What the hell IS that?

Ronda's Rants said...

I am hoping I can make it to blogher...How fun to meet you!!!
We are all broke...just different levels of broke!

Jen said...

I have a lame, symbolic shitty award for you on my blog. Come and get it!! :)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I wuv u too, and I think you're hot.

Annie said...

I thought it was Tiffs cussing running off my followers. Thanks for the clear up! You know I love you. I expect a job here when I need to vent or talk about poop.