So, today's the big day. The day I come clean. The day I take responsibility for all of that emotional eating because I can't afford a new wardrobe.
I hope anyone else that wants to get healthy or lose weight will join me in this journey and document their progress, as well... just grab the code on the sidebar and sign in with the Mr. Linky below. Please send encouraging comments to each participant you see!

I started last Monday when even my comfortable fleece jammie pants were becoming snug and I stepped on the scale and was devastated to see the unpleasant number staring back at me through the cracked plexi-glass in my grimy antiquated Sunbeam scale, that, unfortunately, still works!!!
I have been neglecting myself in more ways than one, as you can see by the chipped, unkempt toes and the depleted, dry winter skin around my ankles. But this, my friends, is an experiment in accountability -and the truth, much like my unpedicured Flintstone feet, ain't pretty!
Truth be told, I've never been much of a 'numbers' gal when it came to weight. The number on the scale never means much to me as long as the buttons don't pop off!
Well, the buttons started flying across the room and poking people in the eye. I couldn't find a button-down shirt to cover my huge fatty boobs without the threads hanging on for dear life making every shirt a peek-a-boo show into the annals of my distended abdomen branded by 4 embryos' growth. I began to understand the physics behind 'the plumbers' crack' and thought about applying for a trade school after perfecting the wiggle and shift to pull up my pants- 30 times a day!
Depressing? You bet your ass it is. So much so, that I grabbed for another handful of chocolate covered pretzels! The vicious cycle reared its ugly head again.
As soon as the euphoria caused by beautifully silky dark chocolate started wearing off, I could feel the fat. I was becoming winded and uncomfortable in my stretched and dehydrated skin. I became curious... I decided to get concrete confirmation of the predicament that my sweet tooth, boredom, and stress had landed me in. Cue the dingy scale...
150 lbs. on the nose!
To give you an understanding of where I am, I am 5'4" and have a small frame. No matter how heavy I get, I will always have skinny chicken legs and a freakishly small head, it runs in the family. So most of those L B's are carried in my torso, much like a Sumo wrestler.
I weighed no more than 138 lbs. moments before popping each write-off out of my loins. I had gestational diabetes with each pregnancy and was on insulin and under extreme diet restrictions. As soon as the placenta came out, I made a mad dash for the buffet! I also nursed #2,3,and 4. Nursing made me ravenous. I couldn't get enough to eat and will admit to licking crumbs and hot fudge off of nursing babys' heads on more than one occasion. If nursing did, indeed, 'shrink and contract' (cough*bullshit*cough) my uterus back to normal size, it kept the shrinking a secret from the rest of my body. 150lbs is the heaviest I have been. After 13 months of being an engorged leche geyser that insatiably gorged on all things digestible, I weighed the same as I weigh now- 3 years later!
So, it's been a week. The first step is always the hardest, right? I went to the gym 3 times and have been trying to make better food choices. I resisted fresh hot chocolate chip cookies (that my amazingly supportive husband baked!) and dove into a bowl of Whole Grain Cheerios instead and consider that a victory. Cheerios are surprisingly delicious and satisfying when you're going through pastry withdrawals. I'm taking it slow because I don't want to run out of steam and fall off the wagon. I'm drinking a lot of water and hoping that I will resist further temptation because I'm too busy emptying my bladder.
So without further ado...Drum roll, please...
147 lbs- 3 lbs lost! woo-hoo! (Oh yeah, and I moisturized and re-painted the pigs!)I still had to wear my old lady fat pants to church this morning and I could feel my roly poly back fat on display for the people seated in the pew behind me. I still have a way to go, but this step on the scale is a step in the right direction...
How are you doing???
3 lbs. lost is a fantastic start. Good for you. I wanted to add that although Cinn. Toast Crunch is not HEALTH food, it is great for a treat. A 140 clalorie treat. It has some sort of fired donut after taste that is VERY satisfying. Your Cherrio's talk reminded me how eating cereal while on a diet takes on a whole new meaning...mega treat.
Wow 3 lbs in the 1st week! Awesome!! I will totally join you, I'll write my post & have it up in the morning! :)
3lbs in a week is quite the start. I agree cereal is a great "treat" substitute. I eat cereal instead of dessert a lot of nights and I think it helps give me a little bit of that sweet carb-i-ness I am craving without all of the fat and calories. Keep up the hard work, I'll be cheering for you.
That was raw Ten!! I love your logo thingy she is so cute. Hey what's with donut avatar <-? Not cool Krispy Kreme!
You go girl!
I'ma gonna have to really think hard about trading in my can of frosting for something healthier.
That is a SUPERB start!
kfdhaslkf...sorry my cheesecake fell on my keyboard.
:) my post is up!
That's awesome! Keep up the good work. Your toes look lovely.
Yay! Good work
I wasn't as alarmed by the 150 as I was by those toes, so thank god you adressed that.
3 pounds straight off?! Excellent! Your well on your way back to that 138 and hen some.
I will participate. I can't tell anyone my weight yet, I'm not ready for that to be revealed to the masses.
that was supposed to be 138 and THEN some - not HEN some.
Mmmmm, Hen. Now I want a chicken. Crap.
that is awesome!! I need to join this challenge!
Im doing the same thing and surprisingly we weighed about the same , Im only 5'3, I lost 4 LBS the first week and now for the next 2 weeks nothing! Not to discourage you, everyone loses at a different rate! Good luck.
WTG Tena!!! 3lbs is awesome!
good girl. i am proud of you. i'll be back with my post in a bit. i am jumping on this train before it's too late!
I have been trying super hard or the past month.. and while im not gaining.. and losing.. its coming off OUNCES at a time!!!
Its vvery frustrating.. but I keep on keepin on.
Love the meme title.
IT's a start..and hey thanks for taking care of those toes...ew.
That's REALLY great progress! I'm so proud of you!
I'm planning to join in, but it's not going to be a gung ho thing on my end - I'm pregnant so I can't really do the gung ho thing - my goal is to not gain crazy weight with this pregnancy, and to finish losing the weight I've already gained after giving birth.
3 lbs is awesome!! Congratulations. Love the nail color, by the way.
So happy Mr. Linky is working - I was afraid I got an instruction wrong and would leave you hanging. I hate that.
I am ALWAYS wondering what everyone behind me at church is thinking about my ass! Probably, because I am always looking at the people in front of me.
Congratulations! Getting started is the hardest part.
WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll join you and get a post up soon.
PS my word verification is DEADEND! Uh-oh!
That's great news and I love your honesty Getting on the scale for the whole world to se is brave. I'm in for next week. ;)
loved the interview of at Annie's blog. Keep the F bombs coming! I love them!
As for this weight loss thing. I really need to jump on the band wagon....maybe next week. I have tons of excuses and none of them are any I'll just shut up now.
Ugh, here it is...
You are SO brave.
If it works for you guys, I'll try.
I get way more exited about ice cream than I do about sit-ups.
My hat's off to you for laying it all out there. You are right about accountability and all that. Sounds like you had a great first week. Keep up the good work!
I loved your answers on Annie's blog! Thanks for stopping by mine.
You are a brave, brave soul. I will return!
I am so excited to have someone else trying to lose weigh. I am on my 3rd week and 10 pounds gone. good luck
I signed Mr Linky and my post is up. It was torture for me to tell everyone my weight and post a full pic, by the way.
I need a drink.
First of all, thanks for making us get real... second, thanks for linking me up this morning... damn firewall at school won't let me do it.. that's why I posted last night!
3 pounds is awesome!!! Great start! I have lots of suggestions that I'll get to over the next couple of weeks... but thing is, it's hard for me to stick to them as well!!! You're awesome!!!
alright... i'm officially on board now. fingers crossed for us all.
Now HERES a linky I can get into!!! Way TO go!! That is awesome. Something I tell my clients, when I have any to train:
Nothing taste as good as being skinny.
Yay! Going to the gym ONCE a week is hard enough...Good job on going three times!!
You are so brave to stand on the scale in front of everyone - good job! I'm not that brave, but I'm joining anyway :)
Great start! Very nice
I am in your program, just posted--next week will be a little more interesting--or encouraging, or whatever
You bitch! 150 is the thinniest I have ever been in my life. And that would be back in 8th grade. It wouldn't be bad if i was like 6'3 but I'm only 5'8. And there's no way in hell I'm telling my weight. That's why I only have head shots on my blog. Keep up the good work though so I can hate you even more =)
3 lbs is great!!! you go girl...imagine if I lose the cat in front of my face...that could be a whole 4-5 pounds
Apparently, you and I are genetic twins. I weigh about the same and also am a proud owner of chicken legs. Also had gestational diabetes with my daughter. Good luck!!!
Oh this I LOVE - I need this!! My biggest problem is that my husband REFUSES to watch the children if I want to go work out. I will not put my kids in those babysitting rooms . . . so I can't exercise in a group - it is all up to me to do it at home by myself in front of the tv. I try sometimes but get bored very quickly! I if do sit ups - I usually have one or two children sitting on top of me in 12 second flat!
Well, just started dieting again yesterday...need to lose a ton, literally. Found this on ttrain wrecks site, thought what the hey. why not. But I am not putting muy weight on here. way too embarrassing. thanks though.
Way to go! I am not participating per say but I also lost 3 lbs this week. I did it by giving up wine (that sound you just heard was my heart breaking) and beer for the month of February. I am trying to lose my 'baby fat' - I thought it was time since my daughter will be 2 in May. With you 100% on the nursing farce - lose weight my ass. Also agree with the Cherrio's - cereal in general can feel like a treat. And I understand how hard it is to be the only one in your house dieting. Keep up the good work!
That's awesome!! Congrats on making it through the first week. I think that's the hardest one!
Yay - you deserve it!
Weigh to go (I know, I know that was horrible!!).
I love your blog. 4 kiddos huh??? I'm so glad that our four are grown. I'm just too damned old to handle it anymore. They are still a pain in the butt even grown ;=}
Steady On
Reggie Girl
You are too much, girl! I am amazed at both your willingness to share your weight AND your unpainted toes! You should see mine right now...NOT PRETTY.
3 pounds in one week ROCKS!
What a great start!! I totally know what you mean about not really paying attention to the scale. I used to be like that but I think that is how I got into trouble. I think the scale is totally necessary to hold you accountable.
I'm really going to try to stick with this!! Good luck!
NICE JOB!!!!! you are motivating me to kiss and make up with my gym again.
Holy crap, you are hilarious. I've gained 10 pounds in a year after losing 43 after having my son. YES 4-freakin-3. The fact that I am ten heavier two years after his birth, compared to a year after his birth is just ridiculous. I too blame blogging -- I mean, eating whatever I want and barely touching the treadmill hasn't helped either. I started working out again a couple weeks ago and it has felt SO good. I am going to blog about it soon and will link to you. :)
Wow ~ this is a great place! I have just sent link etc. to my daughter who is almost 30 ~ she will LOVE!! Happy Monday to all!
Starting tomorrow...thanks for the support!
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