Monday, June 23, 2008

They're baaack!

I have been to hell today and it was in the form of Japanese Beetles!!! If you have these, you know what I mean, if not, consider yourself blessed in the highest form. I just thought the other day that their time was coming close... as I stepped outside to do my daily check and watering, I noticed them. They were swarming my plants and had already attacked many leaves.

I am not an expert, but have gained knowledge since they first waged their war on me and my shrubbery and trees last year. I heard that they used to be on the East Coast, but have made their way here in the last few years (thanks a lot!)
As I understand it, they are grubs, those repulsive little maggot things that kill the roots of your lawn, then they hatch into adulthood and become this coppery-black flying beetle that are relentless! They eat leaves and make them look like doilies within minutes! They can kill full sized trees in a matter of weeks!

Now, here's the thing, you should be able to treat your lawn for grubs and kill them before they hatch and take over the world. I do. I explained this to my neighbor and urged him to do so (I told him as though it would be good for him, but we all know I was looking out for myself!) He did not. So, now I am stuck battling these creepy things again this year!!!

So I, being fully obsessive compulsive me, take the challenge. I run to the store and load up on $91.00 worth of specialty bug spray, liquid and dust, and traps. Mind you, it is now the heat of the day, their busy time. As I am spraying and dusting and setting out traps, they are attacking me. I am running in circles, shaking out my hair, flailing my arms and screaming you little futher muckers (but it wasn't dislexic) just to keep them off of me- I'm a complete tard out there! I also cover my ears... I have this huge fear of them flying into my ears and setting up camp in my head- is that weird?

So good thing I am not a Japanese Beetle because I am now covered in head to toe with this dust poison. I look like I was attacked by a chalk board- and he was fuming mad! But it's on! I am fully vested in this now and I will not back down. I will have nightmares about them tonight, but tomorrow I will go out and spray them again.

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The Mom Jen said...

Those puppies look huge...and i was whinin' on ants...

Deb said...

I hate those things! They completely destroyed my plum tree a couple of years ago. Spray the crap out of them!

LunaNik said...

I know all about these little bastards being that I'm on the East Coast. Check out stores in your area for a beetle trap. You hang them in your trees and somehow they trap all the beetles in a bag. It's really gross cuz the bag gets really, REALLY full, really quickly.

Jill said...

Oh my gosh... those things look horrific. I hope that all the stuff you bought works to rid your house of those disgusting little creatures!

Bad Momma said...

I HATE those suckers! They are my numero uno garden enemy! Think Caddy Shack - with Bill Murray and the gofers!

DO NOT use the Beetle Bag Traps! (sorry Lunanik) They use a Beetle hormone to attract the pests and you will only get more. Perhaps give a Beetle trap to your neighbor as a gift.

You can use Sevin. I gave up on pesticides and started catching them in jars while they were mating or munching on my plants. (ick!). I then would either stomp them in the street, away from the house or let them fry in the sun. This is a cruel part of my personality that I am not proud of.

Terri said...

ahahaha - nice visualization of you out in the yard being a 'tard!

Tiffany said...

We have "love bugs" down here. And guess what? There is no known repellant for them. Good luck with your beetle army.

Unknown said...

Hey--blogger ate my comment! I don't even remember what I wrote now!

Lottifish said...

OMG, I am so glad I'm not you right now. I can't deal with bugs. I practically pass out. Hang in there, you're a trooper!

Sue Wilkey said...

Eeewwwwww - call Godzilla!

Mrs4444 said...

For your sake, I really, really hope they are dead now. (and sorry to say this, vbut they sure look pretty!)