Mystery Guest Post #9
Wow, I didn’t think she’d actually pick me and I didn’t think I’d actually have to try to come up with a post worthy of Tena’s readers so we’ll just wing it and hope for the best! My apologies in advance if my post sucks out loud!
I can’t do a normal post of mine because it will surely give away my identity while I’m trying to be all mysterious and stuff, but in the interest of helping you gals in your quest to win Tena’s fabulous prize I will try to drop some hints….
You lucky lucky readers get to read one of my latest FaceCrack (there0s hint #1) stories! The FaceCrack Chronicles I will call them……
Okay, so the short and sticky version of the back story is this: I was best friends, I mean BBFF best of the best know each other inside and out she was the Godmother to (mystery blogger hint ahead) Big One. Now we must be close if she was chosen Godmother to one of my minis’ because that is no small gesture….Well about a year and a half ago my friendship with her came to a screeching halt (that story will be upcoming on MY blog soon! which I can’t insert shameless plug for here because I’m supposed to be MYSTERIOUS……..dammit) and we have not spoken since then. We were BFF’s for 20 years and we are both from the same town, knew the same people obviously and all that.
Well, I’v e been on FaceCrack for a while now and have 485 thousand friends, because isn’t it really just a contest to see who has the most “friends”?? Suddenly out of the blue I get a message that so-and-so (from my ‘Friend’ list) and exbestfriend are now Friends and this is really no big shock because we did grow up and know and hang out with the same people all our lives, but sometimes we hung in different circles but were each other’s BFF) and then 10 minutes later exbestfriend is now Friends with whatsherface (the next ‘Friend’ on my ‘Friends’ list) and 10 minutes later exbestfriend is now friends with whatchamajigger (the NEXT ‘Friend’) and 10 minutes later…you get the point...and slowly I see a pattern forming and low and behold….I realize that hooker is going down my friends list and requesting to be ‘Friends’ with each and every one of them IN ORDER, some are people she hardly ever spoke to!!
I don’t give her much thought these days but have heard rumor here and there that she’s talking shit about me and all of this out of the blue, out of nowhere, we haven’t spoken in al most 2 years…….seriously…we are 36 years old…..really?.... REALLY?......... we are gonna do this?
I’m not going to sink to her level though, she’s trying to draw me out and she’s trying to get a reaction…… tell me dear readers, do I react? And if so how do I react? OR do I act like the civilized adult (pffffft….) that I am and not react at all?
So I’ve decided I’m using Tena since she has more readers than me (because she is SO awesome and I cannot compare to her awesomeness) OR because I’ve only been blogging for 2 months…..just kidding Tena, I’m stealing your readers……..well, not STEALING your readers… about BORROWING your readers and their insight on how to handle inappropriate immature behavior without letting the redneck in me surface…..
Help MY Therapy today..
Hope you are having a good trip Tena......and I can't wait to see who wins the Fabulous Prize!!
Mystery Guest Post #9
I suggest no reaction. Unless, of course, you can get one of those mature and quick witted reactions that makes her go "hhhmmm...did she just slam on me?"
no freaking clue. However, it's clueless Monday for me and I haven't eaten yet.
Hurry home, Tena...dying to know who is who........
oh dear! i say at least TRY to take the high road, you can always change your mind and seek the ultimate revenge later.
wow that is (you know your post topic) messed up. I think your exbest friend is deserving of her ex title right now for sure... and I have no idea who you are. For about 2.4 seconds I thought you were McMommy but I'm pretty sure she's been blogging for longer than 2 months. This guess game thing kinda stinks because I'm soooooooooo bad at it.
still have no clue. Must have killed too many brain cells this weekend!
Again I have no clue as I am a new and most recent stalker, but any chick who's redneck is ok by me.
That is hilarious that you realized she was using your friend list to build her own friends. Hahaha. I think you should just not worry about it. Facebook is already so juvenile, and making a stink using Facebook as a platform will just make you look stupid; something she hopefully does to herself if you allow it. Or maybe Facebook can reunite you two...I don't know. You pick. Anyway, I'm going to guess this is Twisted Lisa's post.
I'm not sure who, but jeez, that sucks! Stealing people's friends off of facebook? LOW
I don't have a guess today (lack of sleep with still sick child) - but I'm totally impressed that someone who can check off the same age bracket as myself is that savvy at Facebook. Or maybe I'm just one of the last pathetic few to join? I roll like that.
I say take the high road. Stuff like that usually comes back to bite people in the pooper - she'll get hers.
I hate that shit! I'd say just let it go...I think it causes more turmoil to you if you get stuck in it. Take the high road--wish her well, wash your hands of it, and be rid of it.
I don't know who you are, but I'll be back to find out so I can stalk your blog too (I am a HUGE FaceCrack addict!)
Take the high road... once a bitch always a bitch... like me, I guess... I have no clue who this is... maybe McMommy since the word "shameless" was used???
i think i'm the only person in the world who has less than 30 friends on Facebook and could care less. Also, i think i talk to maybe 5 of them...
I say ignore it...if you noticed what she's doin, then others may notice too and laugh their asses off about it and make fun of her til no end...and that's just what a loser like her deserves! heehee
***i haven't been here in a while Tena, hope you had a great trip!
I say who cares. If others accept her friend's request without knowing her then is that really a friend? If you let it start something then all the rumors of MySpace and Facebook would prove to be true. Sure you are too mature for that.
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