You don't have a wiener, honey. You have a 'vagina' and it is your private girl part that no one is to touch unless we are cleaning ourselves in the bathtub, wiping ourselves or if the doctor is doing a checkup on you.
Later that night, while giving good night kisses and hugs and exchanging endearments...
"I love your big hugs and kisses and your big heart, " I said.
And you love my big 'gina', too, right, mommy?
Uh oh, what have I done?
At least she's not calling it a "vajayjay".... just think!
Oh my....I nearly spit my coffee on the screen. LOL so cute!
Lol. Well, at least she won't go around telling people about her big wiener. could be worse...she could be telling people about her big weiner...that would be very difficult to explain!
that is TOO cute! Love it!
LOL!! I swear I need to start buying books for things like this....i told my son that he came outta my belly button just cuz i didn't want to "go there"...and well, let's just say you said it correctly "uh oh, what have I done?" and also, "what was i thinking!"
And what did YOU say?
Kids are great, aren't they?
out of the mouths of babes...
speaking of you and vaginas, have you seen the commercial for the new product, TENA ?!? oh my, i did a double take and paused the dvr and rewound it just to make sure i heard correctly.
Thats funny! Did you ever read this post about my neice an nephew?
kids crack me up!
Wait till she starts asking/talking about her clitoris!
LMAO! I love it.
The Little Imp and I have had some similar conversations lately. Hopefully I can get around to posting about them.
And Heinous is right...indeed, she won't go around telling folks about her big wiener!
Auds at Barking Mad!
LOL!! Too funny! How did you respond to that comment?!!
Hey! What's wrong with vajayjay!?! I love vajayjay!...ah..uhm...wait! I'm referring to the term vajayjay not actual vaj-oh this is a fine first impression to make on Tenakim.
Oh, LOL!
Hilarious. FYI, I am linking to you in my post for tonight. I hope you find it funny :)
now that is funny. Maybe the whole issue will have been settled by the first convo on it and she wont feel the need to tell everyone else about it
Tee-hee! We haven't got to that yet, I had no idea what to tell her but I like your litany of cleaning/doctors etc. Thanks!
Hilarious!! My daughter called her clitoris her "clipper" when she was 4.
Are you saying there is something wrong with loving our 'ginas? Please tell me that's not what your saying.
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