*** Barbie and the Diamond Castle. If you have kids that watch Nickelodeon throughout the day- you saw the commercial for this- I promise. It was Mattel's lame attempt at reinventing Barbie like they do each year! This one sings a song, has a horse with wings that makes loud noises, and also available is the horrendous animated movie on DVD. Lucky us, my mother in law bought all of this for Beebs for Christmas. First, she loves it! SO that's all nice and good. However, if hearing this song in the commercial 9,672 times prior to the holidays wasn't enough, now I hear it 1,267 a day- live and in person!!! She opened it up and knew immediately "I got "Connected"!!!
***My dog, with his new found freedom throughout the house, has discovered toilet paper.
***Baby fever is sweeping the blog world- or is it just me? My baby will be 4 on Feb. 28- that's about right. Four years is usually when I get the ache again. I mean, my husband is driving me mad and finances suck my ass and I am of 'advanced maternal age' (I think I just threw up a little in my mouth), but biological clocks don't like to be rational. I don't need any lectures. I just LOVE babies and I'm good at them, if I might say so myself... I've gotten better with practice.. I mean, I know I screwed up the first one pretty good, but practice makes perfect and they have just been getting better.. imagine how good #5 could be.... It's just a phase, right? Don't worry, I'll slap myself!
*** It wasn't until very recently that I realized I wasn't being left out of a private joke or code when people do this (-: or (-; or )-= ... I'm a little slow and slightly paranoid!
***Speaking of paranoid, I totally am. And I don't even smoke pot anymore- what's up with that? I kept sending messages last night on Twitter and they were being ignored, or at least I thought they were. I am told Twitter was acting funky and it wasn't just me, but I'm still suspicious... I think I'm going to start smoking pot again.
***Had to go to an open house last night for my son's new high school. I had to part with my beloved jammie pants with the forgivable elastic waist and wiggle my way into pants with an actual button and zipper. It is 'pants', plural, because it took 4 pair till I found one that didn't restrict my breathing. I am, however, much closer to 'being ready' to get over my loser status and back into a workout regime- as soon as the chocolate pie in the fridge is gone- I SWEAR! Unless I get knocked up first- kidding- I think!
***So I want to get pregnant again, start smoking pot again, and stop eating so I can fit back into my pants- which are complete contradictions- what the hell is wrong with me??? See why I call this My Therapy- you have a front row seat to the crazy show!!!
WOw! You sound like you are in rage... Good luck with your exercise....
I have a solution - smoke some pot, get the munchies and eat up that pie, have drug induced sex and get pregnant. You can do some light exercise while pregnant to keep you and the bambino healthy.
Send me your phone number.
I'll call you every night at 11, 1, 3, and 5 to get you out of this little pregnancy desire thing.
Unless you're one of those wack jobs who actually enjoys getting up in the middle of the night (and getting up, and getting up) to "snuggle and bond."
If they came out of the womb at 2-years-old, I would have a dozen.
Okay I think Under the Influence and Eudea-Mamaia nailed it!
Your post made me laugh, you make very cute kids so I totally say sure try for another one. Then we can read all about your pregnancy :)
Getting up in the middle of the night I despised. Ugh
Oh my...this is following Eudea-Mamaia's comment...
I LOVE the first two years. No, not the getting up part. Love my sleep. I always felt (before I got too old to have any more) that I'd love to have more if I could skip from the time they start the terrible twos till they become adults.
It's the arguing, attitude, tempers and such that get me.
Maybe we could work something out...LOL
Holy crap! This is hilarious. :)
I have baby fever in a bad way....
Thank god it isn't just me. I have four, and have found myself desperately longing for #5. Just one more, and then I am done. thank you for describing this so perfectly!
Laughing out loud over here, Tena! The pants thing is a definite contender for my Favorite Fragment this week! :)
I do not have baby fever, but I have noticed there are many a knocked up blogger these days!
Oh...I have that baby ache too. But I got my tubes tied after baby #3 and have some yucky medical problems. So I have to live with the ache. I hope you can have another one because its easier than losing weigh.
I'm with you - wanting another baby - desperately!
At least with Twitter it really was the website. With me, it's really me. No one ever responds to my tweets. Which makes me paranoid. Which then just snowballs. And pajama bottoms with elastic rock!
I think I want more babies, until my niece and nephew come to visit. Straightens me out quick! She's 21 months and is into EVERYTHING and the baby is three months old and poops constantly.
Is rage therapy needed...or is the blog still doing it for ya?
I can send my 4 girls over for a bit and you will change your mind....as lame as it sounds maybe you should just babysit a friends baby a few days a week to get your fix!
Are you accusing me of smoking pot while ignoring tweets?!?!?!
Oh, okay. Good. We cool then.
(Twitter was freaking crazy that night. I swear it was not you!!)
I get the baby fever every now and again .. and then my kids come home from school lol.
Oh Tena I feel your pain. The elastic beats the button/zipper combo hands down. And remember how comfy the elastic pants are for your ever expanding belly. Pregnant belly that is. If not for the nasty hysterctomy (I no longer have a "womb with a view") I would have had more. I think this makes my hubby happy for the hysty. I think I don't like him anymore. The asshat.
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