My kids go to the school (against my internal battles). We are parishoners. I make an asserted, yet flawed effort, to make it to church on Sundays. I am a bad, but true Catholic- my dad was one of 13 and they were all drunks, but they went to church every Sunday, damn it. My kids play sports for the school. We are constantly surrounded by people that belong to the parish. So there are pressures to attend and help support the cause.
The sun sets and rises with the parish picnic, in most of these peoples' lives. If I openly admit to them that I am in town this weekend and choosing to stay home and not drop $300 each day- I will be doomed to eternal damnation and no one needs that.
That's why I'm lying and saying we're out of town this weekend.
Have one of your Heathen Baptist friends sneak in and get you a T-shirt, though, so you can wear it, and totally claim that "we must have missed you..."
Of course that is why I like you.
Love it!!! Come on by my place for an excuse! We can sin together!
LOL!!! Hilarious!
LMAO! As a lapsed catholic myself I totally get this post!
your blog amuses me so much LOVE IT! and I myself equally hate the church festival!
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