Sunday, March 8, 2009


So here I am. Sunday night. Drafting my Week 5 KMBFBAG post. Hoping that a good night's sleep will absorb a few pounds when I step on the scale tomorrow morning. I'm not holding my breath. Mostly because the air that I would retain could make me gassy and bloated and royally screw up the weigh in! But also because I fell victim to food and its healing ways after my long week.

I gotta admit, like my posts expressed, last week was BLAH! The husband was off of work for 4 days. Each kid had a fever and the phlegmy cough at some point this week. I was sent to the Principal's office. AND with all of the stress and laziness oozing from my pores- spring crept in!

Admittedly, I'm sick of winter, but I was not prepared for going from our 20 degree highs to consistent 70 degree weather! You have got to ease that kind of shit on me. I'm not a machine! I'm still in over sized sweatshirt mode. Loafing around on the couch under my blanket and watching TV mode.

This weather brings a whole lot of expectation with it. Go to the park, start warming up the BBQ pit, taking walks, working in the yard- damn over-achieving season! If I hear one more person say, "get outside and enjoy the weather", I have some extra ice melt that I will rub into their eyes- and that shit burns like hell!

Finally today, I think I made my peace with spring. I looked at the calendar- 6 weeks until Easter. The next week, my daughter's First Communion, the week after that, my son's Confirmation. What is the one thing these have in common? Besides the fact that they all have religious connotation and I'm already going to hell for breaking my lenten sacrifice when I, inadvertently, ate a roll with my salad the other night... If I don't get my ass moving, my bloated, roly poly body will be preserved- IN PICTURES- for me to despise, avoid, and find ways to crop myself out.

I've decided to embrace the mild temperatures and get active so I won't look back on this year's Easter photos like I do every year... wondering why the hell I'm shoving ham and chocolate cream pie in my mouth and in what universe did I think the outfit that I chose was flattering?? I hate me in pictures. But even more, I hate heavy me in pictures!

So, my short term- 6 week goal- is to be camera ready by April 12! It's not like I'm trying to fit into a swimsuit or run a triathlon, I just want to not resemble a 6 month pregnant woman in pictures! And now that Target is carrying a less expensive line of Spanx, I also have a backup plan!

Last week- 142

This week- 141.5- I think? I know- I need a new scale, but I really don't care about the number- it's the way the clothes fit that count!

total weight loss- 8.5lbs

Not bad for 1 very lame attempt at working out and not great on the eating for the week.

How did you do? If you joined in the first week and fell off- jump back in. Some people are having great results- it's never too late...

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Akum said...

Wow! I heard that by drinking lemon juice on empty stomach helps you burn fats more faster and easier while working out.

Annie said...

Good for you! I gained 3 pounds since I stopped bloggging. Nice.

Kim said...

I would be thrilled if I lost 8.5 lbs! Good for you.

My word verification: pighthe. I think it's trying to tell me something!

Jill said...

Even after a week of the blah's you're still doing great on your weight loss!

And Target now carries spanx-like panties... hoorah! I'll be looking out for them in 10 or so weeks! :)

Pamela said...

8.5 lbs is nothing to scoff at. And there's nothing like a real photo-worthy goal to motivate. Keep on going.

Anonymous said...

I still think your doing great. And it's never easy to diet when your stressed - obviously. :)

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Well YOU certainly rock!

Cuz I haven't even been on a scale in, um, well...a long ASS TIME!

Congrats on the 8lbs!

jill jill bo bill said...

You are so rockin' it!!! I have no idea how much weight I have lost, but I am down an entire size and could squeeze into a ten if buttoning them wasn't an option. Stress is a good thing for me know. I should weigh 85 lbs by summer.

Kristina P. said...

I don't weigh myself. But those Spanx sound promising.

Unknown said...

Well you are still looking at a loss...I've been working my ass off for 3 months...and I got NOTHING to show for it...except that I NEED a nap at 3pm every single day!!

Jenni said...

8.5 is greaaaaaat! Please don't rub ice melt in my eyes...but I am DYING for Spring! It is fricking snowing out right now and it makes me want to run into traffic...

Anonymous said...


I have a leg that weighs that!!
I'm bettin you aren't fat. Good job though on the loss!!

Susan said...

This is going to be your week..... you can do it by Easter.... I had forgotten about having to wear something cute Easter and having my picture taken with the fam... thanks for reminding me!

Ash said...

You're doing so well!!!! 8.5 lbs is awesome. Anything over 3 pounds can only be attributed to hard work, not just peeing a lot.

Go! Go! Go!

Dorsey said...

You go girl!!! I'm so impressed!!

Unknown said...

I know first hand how stress and blahhhssss and Weight do not mix well... but given your week...

I Think you did AWESOME! :)

Even if its .5 ... it still counts as something! ,.. and its not gaining!! Which is REALLY good!

Dr Zibbs said...

I feel your pain. I decided last week I need to lose 10 pounds

Jen said...

It is so nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed by people who say "get outside and enjoy the weather". Don't get me wrong-I LOVE warm weather, just not all the pressure that comes along with it to be outside and doing stuff.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! You are kicking ass! I agree that it's more about how you feel than what the scale says. My update will be up tomorrow.

Keep it up!

Paige said...

Good work--I am so glad you are making me accountable like this.

I had my first gain with no reason this week. damn it