The cereal fight.
At any given time, I have 10-20 boxes of nutritionally defunct, sugar-laden boxes of cereal in my cabinet. I buy, stock-up, on cereals that are on sale. I don't care the brand, what my kids' favorite kind is, if there is a hologram on the box or if Miley Freaking Cyrus, herself, spit in the box- if it's on sale I will buy it. I will buy lots.
I have one rule about cereal- that I have passed down through the ages- or to my 14 year old son anyway... my son, the "Cereal Keeper"- the only one that can reach the cabinet with cereal and has been self-appointed "cereal Nazi". One box of cereal open at a time. It's not a la carte. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. And why would they, really? They're all sweet puffy balls of cavity causing goodness- some chocolate, some chemically sweetened to resemble fruit, some even have every child's' favorite- marshmallows- what's not to love?
Every morning in my house, there is, at least, one kid screaming, whining or arguing about the chosen cereal of the day. Every. Freaking. Day. Like time work. Actually, it's more of an alarm clock for me. I don't ever have to worry about sleeping past 8AM due to " operation breakfast breakdown". And what a delightful way to be woken.
It's one question in this game of parenting that I have yet to figure out- right along with why kids are most likely to throw up in the middle of the night.
Now, I used to get it. I used to try and sneak in a box of Corn Flakes or Kix or Shredded Wheat (minus the frosted coating). Then they got old enough and organized a coup, tied me down like Gulliver until I cried high fructose corn syrup.
Who doesn't like Frosted Flakes? Child #2. Who throws themselves in protest of Captain Crunch? Child #4. Who locks herself in her room because Honey Nut Cheerios were poured in her bowl? Child #3.
This morning I had it. I needed a coffee minus the headache. So we made a trip to the promised land...

A one day reprieve from the cereal fight- God Bless You, Paul.