Oh yeah, it's that time of the week again (
and that time of the month again, I know, I know TMI)... Friday Fragments- join in a Friday Fragment post with Mr. Linky over at
Half Past Kissing Time.I am writing this with a splitting headache that hasn't gone away after 2 days and about 18 Aleve and feel nauseous, so pity me, won't you?
*** I have been my normal abnormal compulsive self lately. I have been eating too much. Shopping for clothes and trying on clothes
especially, was just the kick in the fat ass I needed. The homemade chocolate chip cookie dough and homemade dark chocolate truffles in my fridge, however, are not helping!
The first trip into the fitting room , I tried on some things that were eeehhh- ok, I guess, if I lost about 12 lbs. I guess I was ambitious that day
and forgetful of the diabetic coma inducing contents in my refrigerator
and that I always eat a lot during the holidays and pretend that it's OK because it keeps me "warm" (WTF, right?)
and that I am an emotional eater
and I have been dealing with many emotions as of late and not of the good variety BECAUSE I
BOUGHT THOSE CLOTHES! Thank God, I came to my senses and returned them and realized the denial ain't just a river in Egypt and I sooo am
not about to LOSE 12 lbs before all of my holiday parties and events.
Back to the fitting room with large over-sized, long sweaters- in black- boring! Maybe I'll find a cute pair of shoes!
*** In case you were wondering, the neighborhood meeting that I hosted last night- no big deal. I am on the Board of Directors for the Estates that I live in. That is the technical terminology- really not as important as it sounds- there are only 25 houses! We just make sure that standards and architectural integrity is maintained. But it did get a little heated- as one owner put vinyl siding on their house last year as approved by the President at the time- who was ousted last night. The charter states that our "Colorado" style homes should maintain cedar face. Many of us were pretty steamed at the time, but one guy was yelling and talking attorneys and getting all crazy, still... seriously, dude, it's one house- it won't happen again- drop it- I thought he was going to have a heart attack in my living room! I used to be the Treasurer and moved up to the Secretary last night- 3rd in command, just call me Hillary!
***Remember my daughter that was struggling in the fourth grade? Second Quarter progress report...
Art 4 Projects Avg Grade
100 100 A
Language Arts 4 96 97 A
Math 4
Timed Test
Daily Work
Tests 96 96 A
Music 4
Participat 100 100 A
Reading 4
AR %
Daily Work 100 95 A
Religion 4
Daily Work
Tests 99 99 A
Science 4
Daily Work
Test/Proje 84 85 C
Social Studies 4
Daily Work
Tests 89 92 B
(It didn't copy right, but you get the gist) Seriously, this kid got 3 "F"s last quarter and was under evaluation of a "care team" and about to be tested for learning disabilities!!! I will say, however, that she has been working her little skinny ass off! She's has been doing 4-5 hours of homework/studying each night, only breaking for dinner! As awesome as it is (for her confidence) to see these grades, I can't help, but still wonder if this curriculum is just too advanced for her. I'm so proud of her, but I want to her to still have a life!!! My dilemma about schools continues...
*** I have spent too much money on Christmas. Tiffany and I are making plans to live in a box after the holidays, as it seems that may be all we'll be able to afford. Don't worry though, it's going to be a nice one- with enough room for her Twilight books and pictures of Edward and my Christmas trees! We can blog from her i-phone, can't we?
*** SSS- Thank you! I loved it! Now, down to business...
Jill is it you? If it's you, and you were yanking my chain about who you had- tell me now, I need to know- if not, back to the drawing board! All I know is Texas (unless they are lying about that, too, but that would have to be quite the elaborate lie because the return address was Texas) and that they "love me"- sadly, that kind of narrows it down.
*** They are predicting a wintery mix of ice and accumulating snow this weekend into next week. Bad news- I live on a ski slope- not a real one, but my driveway is really scary steep! Good news- we have underground wires and ice makes for beautiful pictures... stay tuned!
***Boy, am I glad no one is reading this shit since I keep adding new bullet points after I've already published! I want to send a shout out to
Jaime- for that rockin' Christmas tree countdown that I stole from her- I think it adds some class to the place, don't you!
*** Send good thoughts to Em over at
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit... I felt the pain, fear, and uncertainty in her post yesterday. She and her family have been added to my list of prayers.