I am in full "Mommy Mode". Mostly because I don't have time to stop and complain about it. I can't believe that I am actually looking forward to school being OUT! That's so not like me. I am a consequential person- I always think of the cause and effect. I never look forward to school being out because I know it will just mean entertaining the kids, feeding them, tending to them, and inevitably breaking up 12 fights per day! This year has been a tough one, though, and I am looking forward to not having to worry about tests, meetings, field trips, and getting cranky kids to school by 7:45AM. I'm sure when I catch my breath (by the first week of June), I will change my tune!
Not wanting to waste all this positive mommy mo-jo- I bring you highlights from my Mother's Day- albeit really late!
What Mother's Day Looks Like in a Recession:
from my husband...
It may seem like, well, nothing. But first you must know that he is NOT technologically inclined. At all. This took him about a half an hour to compose from work- that meant a lot- so much so- that I didn't even MENTION the grammatical errors- big of me- I know! It's also a step in the right direction from last year and previous years where all I got was "you're not MY mother!" Baby steps.
Layne and Beebs got artistic and created my likeness out of clay...
This is from my 10 yr old. I have no idea where she got the charm. It's sweet and I didn't want to burst her bubble- I just hope she didn't shoplift for me! She is known as being our little poet- watch out Hallmark!
Finally, my 14 yr old son. The one who has been BEGGING to let him spend his money that he has been saving on a new i-Pod Touch. He actually GAVE me his i-Pod. I would have thought it was a lame ploy just to get me to the store- but he actually snuck onto my computer and downloaded all my pictures and my play lists onto it! So if it was a lame ploy- it worked- I drove him to WalMart that afternoon- what a sucker! His card is classic... "I'll try not to mess up anything" ... too bad it's only once a year!
Ok..I thought I had the greatest gift...but that whole ipod thing...downloading your stuff...Priceless...
Oh dude...that sounds like an awesome Mother's Day. All of the souls you take care of each and every day coming out in their own style to tell you what kind of mom you are. You crack me up with your take on each one....HA HA!
And your 14-year-old manipulating the iPod Touch purchase? Nothing less than brilliant.
Happy May to you - summer is almost here...
My word is exedulgj. For some reason, that totally freaks me out.
My husband said the exact same thing to me "You're not my mother" I wanted to kill him right there on the spot. I'm so glad that your hubby has finally gotten with the program!
Awesome gifts!! Very sweet!!
That is really sweet! I love the notes! My kids never have to buy me a thing...it's their little notes & homemade cards I love because it sort of freezes them in that moment for me. Love it!
If my husband ever says i'm not your mother i'll slug him and say "i know i'm better" and then say "the kids can't drive themselves to the damn store" and slug him again. He knows better. ;)
Love the tall clay-you! Miss you sweets, my schedule is about the same for then next few weeks!
Sweet,so very sweet.
My hubby used the "your not my mother" line once and I never expected anthing else from him on Mother's Day. Which is good, cause 25 years later and I've still never gotten anything -lol.
Aww, too sweet! They all showed how much you are loved and appreciated. The ipod was precious. You've got a great family!
Ok, now that iPod thing...
that's pretty damn sweet!
May stinks..........too much going on!
I love that person your son drew and then said "That's not you don't worry" LOL
My 10 yr old would have done the same type of thing. A cute little poem and some coupons.
Love the text from the Hubby. I bet he worked hard at that.
The clay renderings of you are fabulous!
My, what long legs you have! :)
I am the worst mother ever... we have 5th grade graduation this year and I'm like "do I have to go?" "what? we didn't expect them to pass? why is this a big deal?" somebody from the PTA called to see if I'd organize it. Ummm no. I know. Bad Bad Mommy.
Your son is totally adorable and I'm really impressed. All the men in my life think they are being sweet when they down load their favorites... so I'm totally impressed that he went the extra mile and found YOUR stuff. Please let him know my daughter will be dateable in 7 years and I'd like him to come meet her! If you treat your mother well...
Just have to laugh. I was all excited that Steve SAID happy mother's day, as it is the most I have ever gotten. Yeah, baby steps. LOVE the gifts; you have great kids! Now will they come make ME look tall and thin?
Sounds good to me! I love that he put all your songs and pictures onto the iPod for you! Both sweet and devious at the same time...
Great gifts all around! My husband has said that to me many times. I always remind him that I do more for him than his mother does lol. Doesn't work most of the time anyways but hey father's day comes next and he sure isn't MY Daddy!
Ok, all of those were cute, but am I wrong to just be smitten with the oldest? I meanm that was so thoughtful! My own damn husband who is 35 couldn't figure out what to do different this year! We did the same damn thing as last year...spent it with HIS family. Come on!!!! *sigh* I still loved being with my baby boy, but I can't wait until he's a little older,well a lot older actually, and have him do things himself!
Very sweet. How are you liking the ipod?
Those gifts were awesome, and I totally think you more resemble the tall clay figure, way hot!
And now I feel guilty with my gift..... you can go read about it............
That's really sweet; glad you got some nice gifts. I only got one, but it was the one I really, really wanted; a clean house! They busted their tails for almost three hours!
Thanks for the update :)
Tena-You MUST read this post: http://www.halfpastkissintime.com/2009/05/you-go-girl.html
It'll give you a good laugh :)
Wait a minute. You're tall and thin, but it also appears that you have shit for brains.
that amounts to a pretty nice mother's day in my book. Here's to us moms!
Your son is so sweet....and very smart! I would have driven him to Walmart too and I hate Walmart! :)
That was a pretty clever ploy!
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