You may be wondering where I have been or probably not give a crap- whatever. It is still May and free time is a luxury. In the next 2 weeks we have 7 games, 10 practices, Spring band concert, kids' "Spirit Day" and parade (which I need to make costumes for), and my son's 8
th grade graduation festivities- shoot me now!
I am in full "Mommy Mode". Mostly because I don't have time to stop and complain about it. I can't believe that I am actually looking forward to school being OUT! That's
so not like me. I am a consequential person- I always think of the cause and effect. I
never look forward to school being out because I know it will just mean entertaining the kids, feeding them, tending to them, and inevitably breaking up 12 fights per day! This year has been a tough one, though, and I am looking forward to not having to worry about tests, meetings, field trips, and getting cranky kids to school by 7:45AM. I'm sure when I catch my breath (by the first week of June), I will change my tune!
Not wanting to waste all this positive mommy mo-
jo- I bring you highlights from my Mother's Day- albeit really late!
What Mother's Day Looks Like in a Recession:
from my husband...

It may seem like, well, nothing. But first you must know that he is NOT technologically inclined. At all. This took him about a half an hour to compose from work- that meant a lot- so much so- that I didn't even MENTION the grammatical errors- big of me- I know! It's also a step in the right direction from last year and previous years where all I got was "you're not MY mother!" Baby steps.
Layne and Beebs got artistic and created my likeness out of clay...

This one's
Beebs (4)- I like it, obviously because I seem quite tall and thin and I'm
that superficial!

This is Layne's (8)- really a more accurate depiction, shorter and rotund in the middle- my husband thought it was a squirrel!
This is from my 10 yr old. I have no idea where she got the charm. It's sweet and I didn't want to burst her bubble- I just hope she didn't shoplift for me! She is known as being our little poet- watch out Hallmark!

Finally, my 14 yr old son. The one who has been BEGGING to let him spend his money that he has been saving on a new i-Pod Touch. He actually GAVE me
his i-Pod. I would have thought it was a lame ploy just to get me to the store- but he actually snuck onto my computer and downloaded all
my pictures and
my play lists onto it! So if it was a lame ploy- it worked- I drove him to
WalMart that afternoon- what a sucker! His card is classic... "
I'll try not to mess up anything" ... too bad it's only once a year!